Tuesday, 31 July 2007

It don't mean a thing (if it ain't got that swing)

I come from a musical family with an enormous repertoire of musical jokes. Ones sure to get a laugh seem to include saxophones (What's the difference between an onion and a sax? People cry when you chop up an onion. What's the difference between a lawnmower and a sax? You can tune a lawnmower. etc ad infinitum). The main reason for this is the suffering my parents have endured at the hands of many a youthful saxophonist. They have both accompanied a multitude of budding musicians through exams, and have come to the conclusion that the saxophone in the wrong hands is the most dangerous of all instruments. Not only is it incredibly loud and persistent, it also is unbelievably difficult to make it sound better than a particularly irritating car horn. Very few 12 year olds tackling their Grade 3 manage it, but vast numbers try. I had always had some sympathy for the saxophonists-in-training, from the safe distance of several miles away. Not any more. I now live opposite one.

The saxophonist in question is definitely dedicated, but unfortunately unmusical. They squeak through scales, parp in the wrong places and have not mastered the delicate art of playing pianissimo, or indeed anything softer than fortissimo. I find it particularly difficult to bear as Mr/Ms Sax always tends to reach for their instrument at the exact moment on a Sunday afternoon when I think 'Ooh I could really do with a nice snooze'. Bad enough though this may seem, the worst occurred this weekend. During an attempt to play jazz classic 'I got rhythm', they consistently got the rhythm wrong. ARGH.


Zinnia Cyclamen said...

I guess that Mr/Ms has no sax appeal, then? ;-)

Lazy Perfectionista said...

Oh Zinnia! Groaner alert... ;)

Chris Stovell said...

You haven't heard my other half 'playing' the piano - it drives me mad when I'm trying to write!

Jen said...

Ooh, I feel your pain... hearing someone learn an instrument has to be the most scab-picking feeling in the universe :(

Unknown said...

have you invested in ear plugs?

Lazy Perfectionista said...

Unfortunately, the earplugs I have seem to block out everything BUT the sax. I think it's a method of torture.

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